
How To Create A New Bumper

Measure the foam inserts. Foam inserts come in sets of four -- two short pieces for the ends and two long pieces for the sides. Measure the length and height of one piece of each size. Add 1 inch to every single measurement and write every of your measurements down.


Wash your fabric in hot water and dry it inside a clothes dryer on a high setting. Iron your fabric to remove wrinkles. Lay your fabric on a flat surface and fold in half lengthwise with the right sides together.


Cut out two rectangles based on the measurements for the short bumper pieces. Cut through both layers of the folded fabrics. You will have 4 short rectangles when you are done. Repeat for the long bumper pieces.


Cut 24, 4-inch pieces of your grosgrain ribbon.


Lay 1 short rectangle right-side-up on a flat surface. Measure the length of the rectangle and make a mark inside the exact center from the upper edge.


Place two pieces of the ribbon together. Place the ribbon pieces on the mark you just produced on the upper edge of the rectangle. A short edge of one's ribbon pieces should really be even with the upper edge of one's rectangle. Pin into location.


Place one more two pieces with the ribbon together and place 1 inch away from the upper-left edge with the rectangle. Pin into placeHow to produce a New Bumper. Repeat 1 inch away from the upper right edge from the rectangle.


Place a further short rectangular piece face down on prime from the piece with the ribbon. Pin both pieces together about both long edges and one particular short edge, leaving one short edge open for turning.


Sew around all three pinned edges with a straight seam and a 3/8-inch seam allowance, making certain to backstitch in the beginning and end of the seamHow to create a New Bumper. Do not sew the unpinned short end closed.


Turn the rectangle right-side out, making sure the ribbon extends straight up from the leading seam. Iron the fabric carefully on both sides.


Slip certainly one of the short foam inserts into the open short end of the fabric bumper cover. Turn the open edges in toward the foam insert so that that the folded ends rest snuggly against the edge of the insert. Pin the edge shut.


Sew the pinned edge shut with a straight seam plus a ¼-inch seam allowance.


Repeat to make covers for the remaining three bumper insert pieces.

Related Article: How To Create A New Bumper


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